
William 曾就讀位於澳洲 Brisbane 的 St Paul’s School,中學畢業後,成功升讀澳洲八大的新南威爾士大學。

William 認為 St Paul’s School 是一所匯聚多元文化的男女日校,不同文化背景的同學會一同學習,就像一個小型社會般。

學校擁有廣泛的教育資源和獨特的學習氣氛,學生會獲得充足和全面的機會。而學校的導師亦十分熱情,會經常鼓勵 William 提昇自我,並會提供有效的協助。William 最終在 ATAR 考獲佳績,成功入讀世界 Top 20 的 UNSW 的建築課程。

William 的中學經歷除了讓他升讀「夢寐以求」的頂尖大學,亦幫助他成為開朗、自信的人,他認為出國留學是學生拓闊視野的絕佳機會。 因此他十分鼓勵學生和家長可邁出大膽一步,選擇澳洲升中!

William 的學生分享:

Hello, my name is William Choi, I’m the 2023 former student of St Paul’s school (Bald Hills). I have been studied in St Paul’s school for approximately 3 years and successfully graduated from it. St Paul’s school is a culturally diverse school. Unlike the other secondary schools in Brisbane or Queensland, St Paul’s provides a wide range of educational resources and a unique study atmosphere for their students. Additionally, St Paul’s offers a thorough extracurricular opportunities and support to the student who are interested in sport or academic extension after school. St Paul’s school as a tiny international society, the students can study with their peers or classmates who’re from different cultural backgrounds. The special environment of St Paul’s school has shaped me into a cheerful and confident person, whether speaking on stage or making new friends.

Furthermore, during my time at school, I was encouraged by my teachers, which served as significant motivation for self-improvement. Therefore, I am grateful for the contributions of the educational system, staff, and teachers at St. Paul’s School to my secondary education quality and achievements. With the enthusiastic and effective assistance of the staff members, I performed well in my Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) and was successfully admitted to the undergraduate degree program in Architecture at the University of New South Wales.

Studying abroad is a fabulous opportunity for students to broaden their personal horizons throughout their lives. Choosing Australia is the right decision, and I strongly encourage students to take a bold step for it.